I'm so happy to introduce you to my friend Nina. She's a blogger too, but she mostly focuses on fashion. Her blog and her style are awesome and what I most admire about her is her attention to detail.
Last month we collaborated on her blog - SGM: Get healthy for summer. I stepped out of my comfort zone and did a street style shoot with her and I must say I loved it.
Last weekend it was time for her to make a debut on my blog. In her free time she practices yoga and I have always wanted to try it.
So here are some basic and advanced yoga poses.
I would also like to thank Nina's boyfriend Žiga for taking the amazing photos!
Danes vam predstavljam svojo prijateljico Nino. Tudi ona je blogerka, ampak se predvsem osredotoča na modo. Ima super blog in stil, kar pa najbolj občudujem pri njej, je njena pozornost pri detajlih.
Prejšnji mesec sem sodelovala z njo na njenem blogu - SGM: Get healthy for summer. Stopila sem iz svojega ˝comfort zone˝in se prelevila v manekenko uličnega stila. Super je bilo!
Prejšnji vikend pa sva se dogovorili, da je čas, da se tudi ona pokaže na mojem blogu. Od nekdaj sem si želela poskusiti jogo, Nina pa se v prostem času ukvarja z njo.
Tukaj si lahko pogledate nekaj osnovnih in naprednih joga položajev.
Omeniti tudi moram Nininega fanta, kateremu gredo zasluge za prečudovite slike. Hvala Žiga!
WARRIOR (on left foot) / ČRKA T (na levi nogi)
Stand upright with your feet paralel. Transfer the weight to the left leg and lean forward. Bend forward, stretching your arms and lift your right leg parallel to the floor. Try to keep your hips in the same line and look down. Hold the pose and inhale and exhale a few times. Repeat the pose on the right leg.
Stojimo vzravnano in stopala so vzporedna. Težo prenesemo na levo nogo in se nagnemo naprej. Roke in desno nogo zravnamo, da smo vzporedni s tlemi. Pazimo, da boki ostanejo v isti višini in gledamo v tla. Položaj držimo in nekajkrat vdihnemo in izdihnemo. Položaj ponovimo na desni nogi.
TREE (on left foot)/ DREVO (na levi nogi)
Stand upright and transfer the weight to your left foot. Bend your right foot and with your hands place it on the inner side of your left thigh, close to your groin. Pull yourself up and raise you hands. Look straight ahead and find your balance.Hold the pose and inhale and exhale a few times. Repeat the pose on the right leg.
Stojimo vzravnano in težo prenesemo na levo nogo. Desno nogo pokrčimo in z rokami desno stopalo postavimo na notranjo stran stegna, da se dotika presedka. Vzravnamo se in roke dvignemo v zrak. Gledamo naravnost in poiščemo ravnotežje. Položaj držimo in nekajkrat vdihnemo in izdihnemo. Položaj ponovimo na desni nogi.
Broaden your legs wide. Rotate your right foot 90° out and your left foot 30°in. Aline the pelvis and lift your left hip. Stretch to the right and and stretch you hands away from your body at shoulder height. Put your right hand on your right ankle ( at least try), twist your chest up and look at your left hand. Hold the pose and inhale and exhale a few times. Repeat the pose on the left side.
Noge razširimo široko. Desno stopalo zasukamo 90° navzven in levo pa 30° navznoter. Poravnamo medenico in levi bok dvignemo. S telesom se nagnemo v desno stran in roki iztegnemo stran od telesa v višini ramen. Z dlanjo objamemo desni gleženj (meni ni ravno uspelo) in prsni kož zasukamo navzgor in pogledam levo dlan. Položaj držimo in nekajkrat vdihnemo in izdihnemo. Položaj ponovimo na levi strani
Broaden your legs wide. Rotate your left foot 90° out and your right foot 45°in. Bend your right leg paralel to the floor. Lean to the left and place your left hand on the floor next to the inner side of your left foot. Stretch your right hand up, look up and stretch your torso to the left. Hold the pose and inhale and exhale a few times. Repeat the pose on the right side.
Naredimo velik razkorak. Levo stopalo zasukamo 90° navzven in desno pa 45° navznoter. Levo nogo pokrčimo, da je vzporedna s tlemi. Nagnemo se v levo in položimo levo dlan na tla ob notranjo stran levega stopala. Desno roko pa dvignemo v zrak in dobro raztegnemo levo stran. Položaj držimo in nekajkrat vdihnemo in izdihnemo. Položaj ponovimo na desni strani
Put yourself on all fours, hands under shoulders, breasts wide open. Lift your butt up so your body is in the shape of an upside down V. The arms are stretched forward, the head is an extension of the spine and your ears are in between the hands. Knees are straightened, feet are straight and try to place your heels on the floor. Push your butt as high as possible. Hold the pose and inhale and exhale a few times.
Postavimo se na vse štiri, dlani so pod rameni, prsi pa široko razprte. Spodvihamo prste na nogah in dvignemo zadnjico gor, da s telesom oblikujemo narobe obrnjen V. Roke so iztegnjene naprej, glava je v podaljšku hrbtenice in ušesa so med rokami. Kolena so zravnana, stopala so vzravnana naprej in pete poskušamo približati tlom. Zadnjico pritiskamo čim višje in nazaj. Položaj držimo in nekajkrat vdihnemo in izdihnemo.
Stand up on your knees and form a triangle with your hands. Hands are clasped and elbows are shoulder width apart. Place the base of the skull in your hands and head on the floor. Move your legs closer to your torso. Squeeze the abdominal muscles and bring your knees to your chest. Achieve balance and stretch your legs up. Balance on your head, supporting your balance with your hands and elbows. Hold the pose and inhale and exhale a few times.
Sedimo na kolenih in pred telesom sklenemo trikotnik z rokami. Roke so prepletene in komolci so v širini ramen. Zatilje glave položimo v dlani in glavo na tla. Počasi začnite približevati noge telesu, stisnemo trebušne mišice in prinesemo kolena na prsni koš. Ko dobimo ravnotežje, iztegnemo noge navpično gor. Ravnotežje podpiramo z rokami in komolci. Položaj držimo in nekajkrat vdihnemo in izdihnemo.
Lay on your back and bend your knees to your belly. Place your hands under the butt and clasp them. Stretch you legs back and up so you lift your pelvis and back from the floor. Try to alien your legs vertically. Hold the pose and inhale and exhale a few times.
Ležemo na hrbet in pokrčimo kolena na trebuh. Roke postavimo pod zadnjico in jih prepletemo. Noge iztegnemo nazaj in navzgor v svečo, da dvignemo medenico in hrbet s tal. Noge poskušamo poravnati navpično gor. Položaj držimo in nekajkrat vdihnemo in izdihnemo.
Squat down. Put your palms on the floor and straighten your legs. Press your knees against your shoulder bone closer to your armpits. Move your weight forward to your arms and try to lift your feet from the floor. Balance on your hands. Hold the pose and inhale and exhale a few times.
Bodite v nizkem počepu. Postavite svoje dlani na tla in poravnajte noge. Potisnite kolena proti vašim ramam (v smeri pazduhe). Pomaknite težo telesa proti rokam in poskušajte dvigniti noge iz tal. Ravnotežje držite na rokah. Položaj držimo in nekajkrat vdihnemo in izdihnemo.
Super objava! :) Zelo sem vesela, da sem odkrila tvoj blog :) Manjka slovenskih joga blogerk ;)